Wednesday, February 18, 2009


First of all the rat is back. Yes, that's right, after not seeing any droppings for a week maybe, he is back. Stupid rat.

Second, we have had a broody hen over the last few weeks. I was pretty excited and curious if she'd actually hatch chicks. She did. Last night Stef and the boys were out doing chores and heard a bunch of chicks chirping. We didn't go look at them or anything. I was scared the mama hen might get nervous and move them and it was kind of wet last night. We couldn't wait to go out there today and see them but there were no chicks. They were gone. Not a peep. Stef thinks they were being so loud a raccoon probably got them. They, of course, weren't in the fenced are with the dogs. They were on the outside behind the barn under a tarp on the hay. I didn't hear the dogs raise a ruckus either, which I think they would if there was an ambush, but something had to have happened. We are pretty bummed, but hope to have a better chicken system done soon. At least we know we have a few broody hens.


Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! That's too bad. How cute they must have been. There is always next time. Love, Mom

Tiffany said...

I know. I bet they were cute. I think the father was feather foot. Our Roosters have territories. Featherfoot's is over by the barn and Mr Tibbles is over by the coop. You know what this is interesting so I'm gonna put it in the blog.