Monday, May 11, 2009

Charity's babes

Charity snuck off and had her babies on her own in hiding. I noticed she wasn't with the herd and sent a party out to search for her. She had a buckling and wait for it.... wait for it... a DOELING! She is so pretty.

The boy is a little slow and not sucking really well yet. He looks just like the other 2 boys.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


R.J. and TY! Flower had her babies today around 12:30p. She had two stinky, stupid boys. RJ stands for Rastus Jr. and ty is just because. The first pick is of me crossing my fingers for girls and thinking pink. The video at the end is dark but worth it I think.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Her due date was yesterday, her udder is full, her vulva is puffy and she is mean as hell. When is she gonna pop some babies out?

New Door

Our back door has been broken for a few months now. You had to be VERY careful to not rip the door completely off the hinges. Because it is a mobile home door it has weird measurements and is very expensive to order a new door. One of Stef's students did not know to be careful and ripped the door off the hinges last week. Thank goodness, because Stef built a new door yesterday! Who knows how long we would have lived in terror of our own back door?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Flower is due!

Thought I would share my misery. Flower is due today and doesn't look like she will be ready to go for another week at least. (sad face) Guess it's time to hook up the baby monitor and start waking up in the middle of the night to check on her. At least I have due dated this year. I bet it cut down on at least 2 weeks of sleepless nights.

Liquid soap with milk

The soap with milk in it isn't clear. Is this really important? Would people rather have the clear liquid soap with NO goat milk or the cloudy darker liquid soap WITH goat milk? Also, remember that the bottles I use are frosted, so you really can't see through them anyway. But will the dark color be bad?