Thursday, October 23, 2008

Been Awhile

Sorry it has been so long since I posted. Nothing new has really been happening out here. Of course we are always busy, but nothing really new. I have put Holly in with Cole to mate twice now, but I'm not really sure he got the job done. I think I might draw some of her blood and get a pregnancy test done. Cole is sick right now. I'm not sure what is wrong with him. He has had diarrhea for 3 days now; I'm working on it. Flower and Charity are fine And the pigs are, well, pigs.

I was in a car accident last Sunday. A woman ran a red light and t-boned me. I was taken to the hospital but aside from bumps, bruises and some strained muscles I am probably fine. My car isn't though. Hopefully I will find out how much they will give me for it today so I can start looking for a new one. Well you know me, a new used one.

Egg Collector: Dangerous Job

The boys went to collect eggs yesterday and got quite a surprise. I think the snake's eyes were bigger than its stomach though. It worked on the egg for quite some time then finally gave up. Poor fella.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lil Bit

This was a very sad weekend for us. Lil Bit passed away this weekend. I guess you could say it was a freak accident, but of course we feel awful. We miss her so much.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Beautiful Picture

Well, at least if you've been waiting for eggs as long as I have, it is a beautiful picture. Only one of them gave me an egg though. Guess the other one was just practicing. I found 4 eggs yesterday. So far none of the fenced in birds have laid any, only the birds that get out of the fence. Very interesting. Something to ponder.

Charity and Cole

We got our new Alpine goats yesterday. They rode in the back of the truck with their heads stuck through the back window into the cab the whole way.

Charity is a registered French Alpine about a year and a half years old and is milking about 1 gallon a day (well, I milk her). She doesn't know what to think about the dogs, she didn't have them at her house, and she 's not too sure about the other goats either. Girls are brutal, and though, Flower seems to be trying to make friends, Lil Bit is trying to be a big bully. I'm not sure how the pecking order will end up, Charity isn't real timid and seems to be holding up fairly well.

Cole is a purebred American Alpine and is our new buck. I am going to breed him with Holly and Lil Bit. His head is bloody because him and his brother were head butting before we picked him up yesterday. He is definitely acting bucky. He is snorting at the girls and acting very macho. As you can see in the picture the girls are very interested. They haven't gone out to graze yet because they can't seem to pull themselves away from him and they're not even in heat right now! Little Hussies!