Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I changed the web address to I will get new cards printed soon.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Soap Website

I have published a new website for my soap. You can see it at Tell me what you think. I have gone through several versions of it. First it was Slapdash farm with a spa feeling, then it changed to PurePisces with a spa feeling, now it is Slapdash Farm with a country feel. I'm still trying to get the hang of building the website. I want to do a lot of things its not letting me do so I might have to make a call in to the company for some help. Give me any and all feedback. I need help with this. If everything goes well I will eventually add a shopping cart to the site. Should I change the www to

Okay, Stef said I should change it back to the spa-like atmosphere on the site but keep Slapdash as the name. He also thinks I should go with

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Busy Day

I couldn't stand my messy barn any more! The boys spent the day raking it out and I rearranged some things and fixed all of the broken stuff. We have not been letting the goats and dogs out on the pasture lately because I'm trying to give the land a chance to regenerate. The dogs haven't taken kindly to this and have been tearing up some fence and some of the barn finding ways out. We reinforced the barn and fixed the fence. I hope we have stopped them. We had a neighbor stop at our house the other night saying the pups have been visiting her in the early mornings, like at 4am or 5am and hanging out in the road. Now, by the time we go out to do chores around 8:30 they are back in with the goats. Sneaky devils. I had no idea they were getting out! Now the trash strewn across the yard makes a lot more sense. Hopefully we will have our pasture area sectioned off into quarters soon so we can rotate them and I won't have to keep everyone in the barnyard. Don't feel bad for them, they have an entire acre in the barnyard area.

Also, moved some hay around and found a momma rat and her 6 babies. The momma got away but her babies didn't. Of course Maria was on the roof and wouldn't come down so I had to throw the babies up to her. She knew what to do with them though. I still can't believe I just chucked them up on the roof. In my defense they were in grave danger of becoming PET rats of Niko's. I think I did them a service really. By the way, from today on I refuse to carry Maria off the roof to her food like I have been doing every morning. I saw her get down herself today and feel like a schmuck.

I don't think I have mentioned we got 2 new rabbits. We got them free off of Craigslist. They are really friendly and Niko is very happy one of them is black. Anyway, Stef made 2 more rabbit cages today also.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tony is still gone and Maria spends all of her time on the roof. I think it is going to be pretty tough to catch rats that way.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tony is MIA this morning. Maria is still around. She was on the barn roof and was meowing when I went out. I thought she was hungry and thought it was a good idea to feed her on the roof to keep chickens, dogs and goats out of her food. Even after food and water she wouldn't shut up though. I think she was stuck up there. It took a couple of tries for her to trust me enough to let her down. Kind of weird I know she could have jumped, Keiska could have. Guess we'll see if she gets up there again.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Slapdash Resort

It is very nice out today but not hot. I wonder how Jake is going to handle the heat this summer.

I think we need a bigger pool, DD is stuck with just putting her front feet in the water trough.

Here is a picture of the resident piggies.

Who let the cats out, who who who who

Okay that title is pretty lame. I let the cats out today. Tony has been itching to get out for days but Maria has seemed ok with her captivity. Tony explored right away. Maria stayed in her cage then went into Tony's for awhile hissing and howling at Tony the whole time. I think Tony missed the memo that he is supposed to be a feral barn cat. He wants me to do nothing but pet him.the only problem is that he gives a little bite when he is really enjoying himself.

Maria kept her distance. Lala came to see them and Maria was actually very friendly towards her and brushed up against her. Tony, on the other hand, does not like dogs. He got Lala on the nose once and she is scared of him as is DD. I couldn't get Jake near either cat so I'm not sure of his reaction. Flower is the only goat that has shown any interest in them but she is a little apprehensive yet. Maria is now lazing on top of the rabbit roof and Tony is still exploring.