Monday, September 29, 2008

An egg every other day will keep the doctor away?

I don't know, something like that. I found another egg today. I finally got nests in the chicken yard and in the barn where the loose chickens hang out. Hopefully the rest of them will get the hint and start laying too.

Also, we are going to pick up our new goats Wednesday. I'll tell you about them when we get them.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Silly Puppy

Jake may look miserable in this picture but he was actually enjoying himself. He stayed like that for a long time not trying to get out. Even after the boys took the sand off of him, he stayed right where he was.

Farm Photography

These are some photograghs Niko took.

This is what I call an EGG

Finally, I haven't actually cracked it yet, but I'm positive this is the real deal. It is smaller like first eggs are and I found it in a "nest" in the barn. I haven't gotten all of the hens in the chicken pen, some of them hang out free range with Feather Foot still. So one of them laid their first egg in the barn in a nest it made behind some old feed sacks. It is definitely a white egg though. So I guess I have a white egg layer somewhere in the bunch?? I am going to do some research and see.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The boys and I dug a wallow for the pigs yesterday. We dug a hole and lined it with plastic. I don't know how well this will work but we are giving it a shot. I think maybe they will tear a hole in the plastic and the water will slowly work its way out. Or maybe they will get the water so gross the water won't be able to get through the holes due to the muck covering the bottom. Don't know.

I almost had a picture of the pigs in it but my camera ran out of batteries.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Egg!!! Psych...

I was so excited today when I found an egg in the chicken yard today. I haven't moved the nest boxes in yet since we moved them so seeing the egg lit a fire under my butt. I didn't want to use it for us because it was dirty and I wasn't really sure how long it had been out there. So tonight while we were doing chores I was going to give it to one of the dogs. DD was the lucky girl. I tried to break the egg but it was weird like it had a really hard shell, so I tried to crack it harder. OMG, it was a hard boiled egg that had been in a pile of scraps intended for food for the chickens. The egg was supposed to be broken up into small pieces for the chickens to eat. Well, I felt pretty dumb being all happy that my chickens finally started laying eggs. I thought it was pretty big for being a first egg, didn't even dawn on me that the egg was white and I only have colored egg layers!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog formerly known as...

This is a continuation of the Rocking Rabbit Ranch blog. We decided to change our farm name and it only made sense to change our blog name and address too. If you want to see our past posts and the beginning of this journey, visit

Please Enjoy!