Thursday, April 30, 2009

Soap on a stick

This is a common phrase on soap forums. Well, I now know the true definition of it, and that is not a good thing. I was making a batch of lemongrass soap and as soon as I added the essential oil all the contents in my pot seize up and became a solid block.

I am sad all of the oils and milk were wasted in this batch. Guess the lemongrass will be strictly for liquid soap.


I am changing my lotion formula. I wasn't really crazy for the other lotion. It seemed to disappear too fast and was pretty thin. My new formula is more expensive to make but I think it is a much better lotion.

Liquid Soap

Well, I have been braving the world of liquid soap. I have 2 batches under my belt. One turned out an awful mess and the other is great. The first, I made with goats milk and I had to cook it for 3 days and wasn't finished with it fora whole week. The second I decided not to use milk and only had to cook it for a few minutes and then store it in a cooler for the rest of the night. It was finished in 2 or 3 days. I am working on one now using the second method with added milk.

This is the first milk batch. It is a dark color because of the milk. The oils are separating, I think it is because I didn't mix it long enough in the beginning. this is the second batch. It is really clear, like it is supposed to be. My last one with milk should be clear but a dark amber color.

I am using the first batch for home use. It's not pretty, but it's still soap.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gift packs

What would you like in a handcrafted soap and lotion gift bag?


We have 4 baby chicks running around! Well, not running around too far from their mom. I'll get a picture soon. A few days ago a big black bird was swooping down trying to get them but the mom puffed up sqwacked and Niko went out with the bb gun and we haven't seen him since.

We also had a rabbit have babies but she ate most them, well not eat exactly more like dismembered. hopefully the next litter will be better.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Catch up

I've been talking about soap and lotion so much lately neglecting the rest of the farm. First, Niko's chicken is hobbling about now with the other chickens. In fact, I like that. I think we should call her Hobble. It is really ore of a deep limp almost to the point that she is hopping on the one good leg. Anyway, she is getting along out with the other chickens now and I think she will be ok.

Maria is no longer a roof cat. Well, not exclusively anyway. She is still up there when we go out to do chores n the morning but quickly jumps down to harass us. I have also spied her sunning herself in the barnyard and exploring. If I happen to take a seat out there she wastes no time at all jumping onto my lap. No one told her she was feral. Silly cat.

Flower is getting huge. Her udder is growing nicely too. Flower and Charity are due to freshen the first two weekends in May. I can tell Flower is bred but I'm not so sure about Charity. Holly definitely looks bred but I thought she was bred well after the other two. There is a chance she was bred earlier but she acted like she went into heat again after so who knows. I dried Charity up last month and will be drying Holly up this next week just in case she is due earlier than I think. It will really be nice to get a short break from milking and we have plenty of frozen milk so no worries.

I really hope Flower has some doelings. She has gotten worse with little kids. One of my nephews doesn't want to come out here anymore after she beat him up even though I told him he didn't have to go to the barn with us. Yesterday she knocked over my 3 year old nephew (he didn't seem to care any though). I really love Flower but I can't have an animal around here I can't trust around kids. It just won't work. She has to have doelings though so they can replace her.

And finally,it is well past time to get the pigs processed. We thought we were going to do it ourselves with some help from a friend who hunts wild pigs but it keeps getting put off. So instead of keeping feeding them (this bacon is getting awful expensive) we will be getting them processed at the butcher's. I am calling tomorrow to make an appointment.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Which Label Poll

Here are my labels so far. After the lotion label is picked, I will revamp my busiess cards to reflect the same theme. The "Pink Sugar" on the label will change (color also) depending on the fragrance of the lotion. Please leave a comment. First, tell me which of these you like best and why? Then,if you have any ideas to add to them or a new one all together, let me know. Thanks.

Here they are individually: