Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who let the cats out, who who who who

Okay that title is pretty lame. I let the cats out today. Tony has been itching to get out for days but Maria has seemed ok with her captivity. Tony explored right away. Maria stayed in her cage then went into Tony's for awhile hissing and howling at Tony the whole time. I think Tony missed the memo that he is supposed to be a feral barn cat. He wants me to do nothing but pet him.the only problem is that he gives a little bite when he is really enjoying himself.

Maria kept her distance. Lala came to see them and Maria was actually very friendly towards her and brushed up against her. Tony, on the other hand, does not like dogs. He got Lala on the nose once and she is scared of him as is DD. I couldn't get Jake near either cat so I'm not sure of his reaction. Flower is the only goat that has shown any interest in them but she is a little apprehensive yet. Maria is now lazing on top of the rabbit roof and Tony is still exploring.


Anonymous said...

the heading made me laugh...for some reson when my mom was alive she used to drive us crazy singing that song over and over was always funny. good dogs being nice to the kitties. they are so cute i can't wait to see them :)

Tiffany said...

Thats right, GOOD DOGS!