Sunday, December 7, 2008

One down...

... and maybe 2 to go. This morning Flower was sniffing Charity's rear end and trying to hump her so she took the trip to see Rastiff today. She hopped right in the car like she does it everyday and drove me nuts on the way over. I have the seat covered with plastic so if there are any accidents its not that bad, but Flower was all over the place like a puppy. She is such a character. Rastiff and Flower are just a match made in heaven. They were blubbering and snorting at each other through the fence and boy was her tail wagging! The deed was done 3 times ensuring Rastiff's nastiness was smeared all over Flower for the ride home. To take advantage of that fact, she made sure to rub up against every available surface while in the backseat. And then, for her last thank you to me for taking her to see her new beau, she peed on the backseat after removing the plastic,of course, mere yards from the driveway. Yea, Flower!

I say maybe 2 to go because maybe Charity got bred on her visit to Rastiff. I have to keep my eye on her to see if she goes into heat next week. And maybe, just maybe, Cole got the job done with Holly on her previous heat. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO - way to go flower :)