Monday, December 15, 2008

I am so wiped out

We took DD and Jake to get fixed today. Had to be in Austin by 8:30. Stef and the boys did chores (thank god! It was windy and 20 degrees). The boys and I dragged (literally) the dogs into the back of the car. Again we made sure to put plastic down in case of any accidents. The place was super hard to find and I thought we would be late, especially since DD puked on Deklan and JD pooped in the car before we got there. We finally got them dropped off and decided we deserved to get some breakfast at IHOP. First, though, we had to clean the car out and stop at Goodwill to get Deklan some new pants to wear.

Next we headed to Bastrop to drop off some gifts at CPS for foster kids, went to WalMart to do a last bit of Xmas shopping and went to visit Dad. Then we went home where I made dinner, cleaned up a bit and headed back to Austin to pick the dogs up. They were so pathetic, totally drugged up. Deklan was in the backseat with them and they were laying side by side on the seat. We had to push the front passenger seat way back to make sure DD didn't fall off the seat. We got them home and Stef carried them in and they are here in the house with us now. Jake is not to keen on being inside. He is whining a lot. I think we will put him in a kennel tonight and DD in the laundry room.

It is going to be freezing tonight (literally). We are supposed to have a high of 30 degrees tomorrow! I DO NOT LIVE IN TEXAS TO DEAL WITH THIS CRAP!!!


Anonymous said...

But look out your window and
check the north of you.. we are averging 9-10 degrees. before work I scrapped 2 inches of sleet of my windsheild .

But I must admitt I do not envy your day today. poor dear.
Hang in there.


Tiffany said...

That is what I kept telling Niko; we could be doing chores in awful weather 4 months out of the year instead of just a few weeks.