Thursday, October 2, 2008

Charity and Cole

We got our new Alpine goats yesterday. They rode in the back of the truck with their heads stuck through the back window into the cab the whole way.

Charity is a registered French Alpine about a year and a half years old and is milking about 1 gallon a day (well, I milk her). She doesn't know what to think about the dogs, she didn't have them at her house, and she 's not too sure about the other goats either. Girls are brutal, and though, Flower seems to be trying to make friends, Lil Bit is trying to be a big bully. I'm not sure how the pecking order will end up, Charity isn't real timid and seems to be holding up fairly well.

Cole is a purebred American Alpine and is our new buck. I am going to breed him with Holly and Lil Bit. His head is bloody because him and his brother were head butting before we picked him up yesterday. He is definitely acting bucky. He is snorting at the girls and acting very macho. As you can see in the picture the girls are very interested. They haven't gone out to graze yet because they can't seem to pull themselves away from him and they're not even in heat right now! Little Hussies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now that really makes me laugh...little hussies...are they related to me by any chance? oops, did i say that out loud?